Do you believe in Acceptable Cannibalism?
- David Kawika Smith The sacificeing of childern was on them not a punishment which the bible states God used canibalism as a punishment. The baal thing that you are saying doesnt count because that was the disobedience that lead to the punishment. The cannibalism was not part of the baal thing your mixing them..... Dont do that.15 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold David, I didn't say that. I was speaking generically. The connection between the crime and the punishment is interwoven. That cannibalism situation is still very specific and technical and very hard to apply. How would we apply that to ourselves? It would be tough. I am defending Andrew Fries position with my life, still. You can eat me if you will. I never said that children sacrifices was punishment, exactly. I am talking about sin. Sin causes punishment. It's a dominoes effect. It is the butterfly effect. It's the snowball effect. Sin causes punishment. Rebellion (in the mist of punishment) can cause more sin. That sin can then enable more punishment, chastisement or discipline. It is a loop, a hamster wheel. The Old Testament is full of these Lion King's Circle of Life loops or circles or wildernesses or traps. That is why you can't just make a commandment that simply says, "Thou shalt not eat people." It is not exactly there. That is not the eleventh commandment. David, you misinterpreted me. It reminds me of the issue of murder vs. killing. God says, "Thou shalt not murder." God doesn't say that he is against capital punishment or against the times when God commanded Israel to kill men, women, children, animals, everything. Solomon writes, "There's a time for everything. A time for this and a time for that. And a time for eating people." God is against stupid cannibalism. God is against murder. But what about smart Acceptable Cannibalism due to Situational Ethics? Why starve to death? I like chicken. I like KFC, finger-licking good. Hmm hmm better.a few seconds ago ·

Joey Arnold Hey, Andrew Fries: you should share this with the world. Why is it on custom? You know the settings? You should make it viewable to everybody so that I can find this from my other FB accounts, right? Then I can read Ronnie's comment. To @Ronnie Gilden, of course I'd submit to it, but only on the condition that you unblock me first (lest I devolve back to my canibalistic ways).2 seconds ago ·
- 2 hours ago ·
- David Kawika SmithAll I meant was you twisted your words maybe it comes from typing these full length book you call comments. show me a place where God commands someone to eat someone. Yes theres a difference between killing and murder, but I dont see how you can say God wouldnt be against it. And plus no matter where you are even if it came to eating dirt (or what you find in it) you could always find something else to eat and I think that God would like that better then you eating his child. Look at it this way with these key facts we know about God he says all poeple are his childern. He loves us enough to give his son for us. I thinks he loves us to much to say something like that is ok. Its far to sick and tramatic.2 hours ago ·
- Cheri Gilden What amuses me is this all sparked by someone asking if deer was kosher!41 minutes ago ·
- Andrew Fries@David Smith - I don't know David, there are definitely some days where I'm more than a little curious about eating people and I'm not sure there's quite enough evidence to back up the Lord saying it's a no-no. ;) And don't mind Joey, he gets people worked up for the fun of it. Ask Lorrie Davis about our game of RISK at the last Young Adult Retreat... Anyway, good job being a Berean.
@Joey - Nice work. Just make sure your spirit is positive. And I was about to die, I WOULD totally let you consume my lifeless husk once I depart from it. But once the resurrection happens, all bets are off.
@Ronnie & David Sheppard - Let me start off by saying I shouldn't respond to such obvious baiting but since I feel like you're asking my opinion, I'll give it to you in the hopes that civility will win out over differences in opinion. That being said, I would listen to the dietary restrictions unless he told me later that the real things I need to worry about is love - love for Him and love for people. I'm not perfect but I can assure you that my heart is the Lord's and He's giving me a heart for others. The Law was not meant to be a burden but a blessing so maybe one day He'll convict my heart to share that blessing with you both in that fashion but until then, I love you not in spite of our difference but because of them. I respect you both for your devotion to the Word and your convictions, keep living out your faith. :]38 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold I think God hates cannibalism more than divorce or murder or ethnic cleansing or suicide or homosexuality or white lies or what am I saying, really? Of course cannibalism should be avoided at all costs. Divorce should be avoided at all costs. There are places in the Bible that says that God hates divorce. There are other places in the Bible that says God is madly in love with divorce so much to even make Him want to do things to do it. Must I say more? Have you noticed that I'm in love with the art of emphasizing, in analogises, in painting a picture of God and you and divorce all in a bed. There was this SNL music Video with Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, and the other guy, called Three Way. The same goes for cannibalism. Apart from a few scriptural references, the Bible doesn't talk directly about cannibalism because it is not a root issue. The root issues stem from love. In the Pirates of the Caribbean, there's this compass that directs us to what we want. Our hearts are compasses. We should want God. Our Johnny Depp Compass hearts can journey the seven seas on the quest for the fountain of youth. I mean the fountain on the God. If we stem from that, then we will begin to make to situational ethnic wisdom calls even in the mist of cannibalism. When we get up into Heaven, God will explain to you what I mean by everything that I say. You'll be surprised when you get up there. I mark my words on that. It's because we are born in this curse. Because we are born blind, it is so tough to understand these variables. I don't like arguing. Everything thinks I do. Everybody thinks I like writing books. I love peace. I love people. But I hate it when people are left in the dark, left to their own depravity, their own too much spare time on their hands that may lead to people eating each other. STOP EATING ONE ANOTHER. Physically, you should let me eat you if I am starving. Spiritually, we should eat off each other's wisdom, also, right? I just want to spread truth to the world because I am Oh Oatmeal. Eat me. Then tell God you're sorry for eating me, less he sends you to purgatory for committing such situational ethic nonsense or not.2 seconds ago ·
- Andrew Fries@Ronnie - To answer your question, the scripture says that loving God means obeying his commands.
Hear me out on this though, when Jesus was tested by the Pharisees and Sadducees and they asked him what was the greatest commandment, his reply was that all Law and the Prophets hang on simply loving the Lord and loving your neighbors. He said that those were the things that mattered. If I take both your scripture from 1 John that says to love God is to obey his commands, and my scripture from Matthew which says the greatest command is to love him, if you take it at face value it just seems circular. But when I stop to think about why John would write something that would seem so circular, I have to conclude that he didn't - that there must be a deeper meaning then following the Levitical commands. It's my opinion that God's commands spoken about in 1 John are the commands given to us through the Spirit, which, if we are truly listening and allowing to lead our lives, will always lead us towards acts of love towards the Father and towards our fellow man. The Spirit is our counselor who teaches us and convicts us, and so I believe that by listening to the convictions of the Spirit, I am following His commands.
I hope that helps to clear up my perspective more.2 hours ago · - Aaron Koch This conversation happened to come up on my page and I must say that I really enjoyed reading through it. Andrew, your responses, perspective, and respect for others during the course of this is great to see. Keep it up and I wish you all the best.8 minutes ago · · 1 person